Limulus polyphemus
Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, American Horseshoe Crab
Other Names for Limulus polyphemus
- Vernacular Names: Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, American Horseshoe Crab
Lavrov, D. V., J. L. Boore, and W. M. Brown. 2000. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 17:813-824.
Shultz, J. W. 2001. Gross muscular anatomy of Limulus polyphemus (Xiphosura, Chelicerata) and its bearing on evolution in the Arachnida. Journal of Arachnology 29:283-303.
Shuster, C. N., Jr., R. B. Barlow, and H. J. Brockmann, eds. 2003. The American Horseshoe Crab. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Stanton, J. L., L. L. Daehler, and W. M. Brown. 1997. Mitochondrial gene arrangement of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus L.: Conservation of major features among arthropod classes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 14:867-874.
Information on the Internet
- ARKive: Horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).
- The Horseshoe Crab. Ecological Research and Development Group (ERDG).
- Horseshoe Crab. University of Delaware Sea Grant College Program.
- Ancient Creature Lurks Along Coast. US Fish and Wildlife Service Chesapeake Bay Field Office.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Limulus polyphemus |
Location | Delaware, USA |
Creator | Robert Pos |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Sex | Male |
Source | WOE243 Horseshoe Crab - male |
Source Collection | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Online Digital Media Library |
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Limulus polyphemus. Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, American Horseshoe Crab.
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- First online 27 September 2004
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2004. Limulus polyphemus. Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, American Horseshoe Crab. Version 27 September 2004 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project,