Doryteuthis (Amerigo) surinamensis
Surinam inshore squid
Michael Vecchione and Richard E. YoungCharacteristics
- Mantle
- Mantle moderately broad, ca. 25% ML.
- Fins
- Fins rhomboidal, length ca. 50% ML.
- Arms
- Arms relatively long, ca. 45% ML.
- Sucker rings on unmodified ventral arms with sharply pointed teeth.
- Left ventral arm of males hectocotylized beginning at 22nd to 24th dorsal sucker pair; suckers at arm tip unmodified; modified suckers reduced in size and set on enlarged, transversely flattened bases.
Geographic Distribution
Southern Caribbean Sea. Because this squid is easily confused with D. pealeii, its range may be more extensive than indicated by limited published reports.Other Names for Doryteuthis (Amerigo) surinamensis
- Vernacular Names: En: Surinam inshore squid, Fr: Calmar du Surinam, Sp: Calamar Surinamés
About This Page
Michael Vecchione
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Michael Vecchione at
Page copyright © 2010
Page: Tree of Life
Doryteuthis (Amerigo) surinamensis
Authored by
. Surinam inshore squid.Michael Vecchione and Richard E. Young.
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- First online 02 September 2010
- Content changed 02 September 2010
Citing this page:
Vecchione, Michael and Richard E. Young. 2010. Doryteuthis (Amerigo) surinamensis in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Surinam inshore squid. Version 02 September 2010 (under construction).